FlockNerd Track your flock - get insights
FlockNerd Logo - chicken with rimmed glasses

Welcome to FlockNerd!

Are you a backyard chicken, duck, or quail farmer looking to track egg production and expenses for your flock? Look no further. FlockNerd is the perfect app for you.

Track egg production with FlockNerdTrack expenses with FlockNerd

Track Your Flock 🐓🦆🦃

With FlockNerd, you can easily track the number of eggs laid by your birds, as well as record expenses such as feed costs, supplements and medications. Plus, you'll get access to helpful statistics about your flock, including average egg production per week, and total expenses.

But FlockNerd isn't just for egg farmers. It's also a great tool for farmers who raise poultry for meat or who simply keep birds as pets.

Start tracking now

Egg-ceptional Insights

FlockNerd provides valuable insights that can help you improve your farm, homestead, or backyard flock's efficiency and profitability. With FlockNerd, you'll have access to data-driven insights such as:

  • Egg production trends: track your egg production over time to identify patterns and make informed decisions about your flock.
  • Average daily egg production: insert a target weekly average for each breed and see how your flock is performing in comparison.
  • Average egg production per bird: see which birds are your top performers and identify any underperformers.
  • Expenses by Category: keep track of all your flock-related costs in one place and see where you may be able to cut expenses.
  • Health and wellness data: coming soon! record information about your birds' health, including visits to the veterinarian and any medications they may be taking.

By taking advantage of the insights provided by FlockNerd, you'll be able to make data-driven decisions that can help your farm thrive. So why wait? Download FlockNerd today and start seeing the benefits for yourself.

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FlockNerd - stats for your flock

Installing the App

FlockNerd is a Progressive Web App (PWA). A PWA is a type of web application that can be installed on a device and behaves like a native app. So it is 'installed' differently than most of the apps on your phone. It is installed from this website and not through the App Store or Google Play store.

Why a PWA?

  1. I'm a web developer - PWAs are created using the same technologies as most websites: HTML, CSS, JavaScript. That's my comfortzone and how I can create the best experience for you!
  2. PWAs are 'cross-platform' - This means I can write one app and it works in your web browser, on iPhones/iPads, and Android devices.
© FlockNerd 2023